Why? Because women deserve to be VALIDATED.

This IS part of our community – this photo was taken by our dear friend here in the beautiful forest where we live.  We KNOW that when women support each other, we can help validate each other, we can release fear, and we can realize all of our dreams.

And we want YOU to be a part of it.  Join our Abundancia Tribe today and start getting the support you deserve.

Free downloads available monthly for members!

“The opposite of belonging is fitting in… Belonging, is belonging to yourself first, speaking your truth, telling your story, and never betraying yourself for other people.  True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are.  It requires you to BE who you are, and that’s vulnerable.”

Brené Brown, The Call to Courage

The above picture includes some of the members of our Abundancia Tribe, they are mothers (and some not mothers), they are entrepreneurs, and they are overall strong, independent women who are deciding how to live life on their own terms.  Our Tribe members include a former biologist and teacher who now runs her own healing arts center, a fearless businesswoman who has created and operated a hotel, two restaurants (and is now creating this blog!), an artist/yoga teacher/art teacher who sells her own products, a photographer and academic leading the way on various fronts, a unique clothing designer with her own store, a musician, massage therapist and yoga instructor setting her own hours, a ceramics expert who also has created her own clothing line for yogaa former urban designer who now creates and sells her own “wearable art” silver and precious stone jewelry, and many more(!) – and we have all defined our lives on our own terms, the majority of us have moved to another country, and we all support each other

Whether part-time or full-time, we had the courage to be vulnerable and face our fears, to choose belonging over fitting in, and we are realizing our dreams, all with the support of the other women in our community.

As we begin to experience the symptoms of perimenopause,  we feel our bodies are going through the second largest hormonal shift of our lives.  This can make daily responsibilities more difficult, and trying to start a new career or realize our dreams – it’s even more challenging. This is WHY we are here! As a member of our Community, you can count on our support!

Please learn about Our Tribe of amazing women who will be contributing to the Abundancia Community, find easy to make healthy recipes, and explore our blog posts for the latest information on medical findings, healthy eating, management of symptoms, and more.  In the coming months we will also be offering online courses, as well as live online events so that you can meet us, and see how much we want to support you as you realize your own dreams!  We are here for each other!

Together We Will Walk this Path of the Transition to Menopause as Valued & Validated Women!

We are going through this with you (yes, all the ups & downs!) and vow to educate, support, validate, value and empower ALL members of our tribe with blog posts, videos, free checklists, recipes and meal plans, and much more.

But most of all, we will walk this path with together within our community of women.

Join today and as a welcome gift we invite you to our 12 Day Abundance Challenge!

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Our Blog

Our Why: Abundancia Tribe Origins

Our Why: Abundancia Tribe Origins

Abundancia Tribe was born out of the desire that I have always had to bring women together, and help them feel empowered, liberated and validated. In order to bring this into being, I realized that women must first realize and embrace the Abundance in everyday life,...

Get Access that goes beyond just recipes!

Join today and as a welcome gift get our FREE 12 Day Abundance Challenge!