About Us

We are a community of women entrepreneurs who, each in our own way, have put into practice ways of living that help us find balance, nourishment, empowerment and connection.  As we enter into this transition to menopause, we want to share our experience with as many women as possible to help you light your own path toward living your dreams, and have the support you need while doing so.  Please read more about us in the Our Tribe section, learn more about what is happening during your transition to menopause in our blog, and check out our courses to help you find expansion.


Balance is about more than time management.  It is also finding acceptance for those things we cannot change, and gratitude for every single moment in our lives.  We will help you feel firmly grounded and balanced with simple exercises.  Click our course link and find your balance today.


Nourishment goes well beyond what we eat and drink.  Exploring movement daily in any form, implemeting self-care techniques, and loving ourselves are just as important as our diet – if not more so.  Click on our recipes page for both dietary and self-care nourishment.  Love yourself today!


Women so often put others before themselves – whether family members, children or friends.  At this stage in life, you can find the courage to live your dreams, the independence to take a leap, and feel empowered while doing so.  Read about Our Tribe for your inspiration, and start that business, book that trip…you can do it!


During the transition to menopause, women need to connect with one another more than ever.  But just as important, is to connect with yourself first.  We dare you to explore your inner creativity, expand your horizons mentally and physically, and be supported by many powerful women in the process.  Click here to start now!

Why Us?

Experience Living Abroad

Our tribe includes women entrepreneurs who have gone beyond their own comfort levels to dare to try something new, at times in a new land, with a new language.

Exceptional Artists

Our community also includes accomplished artists in the fields of drawing, batik fabric painting, photography, ceramics, clothing design and jewelry design.

Movement & Nutrition Specialists

Our tribe members have years of experience teaching yoga, fitness training, nutritional coaching, and have worked as chefs in their own restaurants.

Harmony Virtuosos

Each member of our tribe brings unique tools and experiences to help you find balance in your life, family and career.  (Hint: It starts with gratitude.)

Join Our Community Today, and Get First Access + Discounts to New Courses, Recipes and More!